var downIMG=''; var rightIMG=''; //javascript code //promenljive var klik=false; function ShowHide(id) { element=document.getElementById(id); if(element==null) return false; //alert('Usao "''"'); if('none') //||"" {'block'; } else { //alert('Usao za skrivanje');'none'; //alert('Sakrio!'); } //alert('Izasao '+; return true; } function slikaPop(src) { newWin ='slika.php?src='+src,'pupslika','menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable'); return false; }//end function slikaPop() //popup prozor function WinOpenPopup(location, name, opt) { newWin =, 'ime', opt); return false; }//end function WinOpenPopup //----------------------------------------------------- //Menjam klasu elementa function chClassOnOver(el, c1, c2) { if(el.className==c1) { //alert('Klasa='+el.className+' to je c1'); el.className=c2; } else { //alert('Klasa='+el.className+' to je c2'); el.className=c1; } } //--------------------------------------- //menjaj boju //;'#666666' var oldC=null; function chOnOver(element) { //alert('over: color='' Oldc='+oldC) if(oldC==null) oldC = getBgCol(element);'#666666'; //alert('over: color='' Oldc='+oldC) } function chOnOut(element) {; //alert('OUT: color='' Oldcol='+oldC) } function imageFlip(element,secid) { el=document.getElementById(secid); if(el==null) return false; if ('none') { element.innerHTML=downIMG; //alert('DOLE'); } else { element.innerHTML=rightIMG; //alert('DESNO'); } //alert(element.innerHTML+'\n'+rightIMG);//ovo nikad nije isto!!!!! } //Ne moze bez ovoga da nadje boju pozadine!!!!!!!!!!! function getBgCol(el) { if(el.currentStyle) return el.currentStyle.backgroundColor; if(document.defaultView) return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, '').getPropertyValue("background-color"); return "Don\'t know how to get color"; } //------------------------------- //filemanager var newID=1000; function addHtml(parentID,beforeID,newIDs) { parentDiv = document.getElementById(parentID); sp2 = document.getElementById(beforeID); sp1 = document.createElement("span"); parentDiv.insertBefore(sp1, sp2); // sp1.innerHTML = ""; sp1.innerHTML += '
'; //alert(sp1.innerHTML); //alert(sp1.innerHTML);; newID++; // alert(newID); //document.close(); } function deleteID(id) { e=document.getElementById(id); e.innerHTML=''; return falce; } //------------------------------- //END filemanager //---------------------------------------- //AJAX funkcije //pravi http objekat umesto ovoga: http = new XMLHttpRequest(); //if((http=getHTTPObject())==false) alert('Vas browser ne podrzava ajax kontrole koje bi vam znacajno olaksale koriscenje naseg sajta'); //unapred pravim objekat! function getHTTPObject() { if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } try { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {} } return false; }//end function getHTTPObject() function updateData(http, param, url, id) { var myurl = url;"GET", myurl + "?id=" + escape(param), true); http.onreadystatechange = function useHttpResponse() { if (http.readyState == 4) { var textout = http.responseText; document.getElementById(id).innerHTML=textout; //document.write.textout; } } http.send(null); } function updateDataNoParam(http, url, chid) { var myurl = url;"GET", myurl, true); http.onreadystatechange = function useHttpResponse() { if (http.readyState == 4) { var textout = http.responseText; document.getElementById(chid).innerHTML=textout; //document.write.textout; } } http.send(null); }